Should I Be Worried About PKD?

Our kidneys are a pair of live-saving parts of the body that is considered the third-most important organ of the human anatomy after livers and heart. Though kidneys are safely placed inside our body just below the ribs, millions of people worldwide suffer from various kidney diseases, some of which are even hard to cure. One such kidney disease you might be suffering from is Polycystic Kidney Disease that means having cysts on the kidneys.

If you are suffering from this disease or have recently got diagnosed with it, this article is meant for you. We have explained every possible fact related to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and followed by kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda. Unlike other forms of treatment, Ayurveda promised a safe and quick recovery from PKD. Let us now discuss whether having PKD is life-threatening or not.

All about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is not any bacterial infection; instead, it is an inherited disorder that gets passed on to infants from their parents during birth. PKD is a condition when fluid-filled sacs knowns as Cysts develop around and within the kidneys. They could vary in shape, size, and numbers. Every person can give different numbers and sizes of the cysts depending on the seriousness of the condition.

The problem of kidney cysts is serious as it does not just remain in the kidneys. Instead, it can develop in the liver and pancreas, causing hundred other problems to the patient. Though homeopathy and allopathy do not have a possible cure for this disease, ignoring it could give rise to severe complications like High Blood pressure and Kidney Failure.

What Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Lead To?

If you are suffering from PKD, there are chances that you might not experience any possible symptoms of this disease. However, if the number of cysts increases with increase in size, it could start affecting the normal functioning of the kidneys giving rise to the following problems:

  • High Blood pressure
  • Extreme pain in sides or back
  • Hematuria (blood in Urine)
  • Proteinuria (foamy urine)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased area of the abdomen
  • Headaches
  • Kidney Stones
  • Kidney Failure
  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Tiredness and many more.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your body for a significant period, it might be because of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). In that case, taking kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda can help you come out of this problem in no matter of time. We have explained the role of Ayurveda in treating PKD at the end of this article. 

How Does PKD Affect?

Our kidneys have tiny blood vessels inside them known as Glomeruli. These Glomeruli have tiny filters inside them. Our blood flows through our body and gets reached to kidneys through these Glomeruli. However, these Glomeruli not just pass the blood but also filters it from all kinds of toxins, impurities, and waste compounds that are no more required by the body. Once these blood vessels give your filtered blood to the kidneys, kidneys remove all the waste compounds through Urine. 

However, when a patient develops cysts all over the kidneys, these Glomeruli are affected. As a result, the kidneys are unable to perform their function since their not get filtered blood. It further results in the accumulation of water and waste compounds inside the body. Now, as we have discussed how PKD affects kidneys, let us understand what causes PKD.

What Leads to PKD?

As discussed above, Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited disorder. In most cases, this disease runs in families where the parents have a history of such disease. Though it is an inherited disorder, there are cases when this disease occurred to the patients on its own, i.e. neither of the patient's parents had this disease or a copy of its gene. 

PKD is categorized into two different types. These are: 

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

All the symptoms of ADPKD are the same. However, it develops in the patients when they reach thirty to forty years of age. In this case, just either of the parents needs to have PKD, and the same could get transferred to their children during birth. This is the reason why ADPKD was also known as Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease. 

Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

As compared to ADPKD, ARPKD is less common. Unlike ADPKD, the symptoms in ARPKD develop in the children shortly after their birth. However, there are also cases when this disease got developed in children during adolescence. In this case, both the parents need to have the genes of PKD to pass it onto their children. 

Why Should You Worry?

Though we do not want to leave you in a pack, there is something more to PKD that you should know. This disease is not just limited to cysts developing within the kidneys. However, it could lead to many more complications that are mentioned below. If you think that you are suffering from any of these complications, it is better to start taking treatment to get relief from this problem.

High Blood Pressure: Since PKD damaged the Glomeruli, it hampers the smooth flow of blood to the kidneys. As a result, the blood circulation gets hampered, which gives rise to the problem of High Blood Pressure. 

Progressive Loss of Kidneys: If you ignore the problems of cysts, it can start damaging your kidneys gradually. After a few years, you can experience sudden kidney failure that could be a life-threatening experience. 

Cysts in other parts of the body: As discussed earlier, cysts do not just remain on the kidneys. Instead, it spreads to other organs of the body, including the Liver, Lungs, pancreas, etc. 

Complications during Pregnancy: Though many pregnant women who have PKD deliver their baby without any harm, in some cases, it could lead to a severe complication known as Preeclampsia. In this condition, the patients have a higher risk of experiencing a sudden decline in kidney function. 

Ayurveda Heals!

Ayurveda is a branch of medical science that focuses on treating kidney problems using a holistic approach. However, it must be noted that the types of methods used in Ayurveda might take some extra cure, but that is only because of the treatment that targets the root cause of the problem.

The medicines used for kidney cysts treatment in Ayurveda are made from the extracts of rare herbs and plants. It makes these Ayurvedic best for any disease and the body as they do not have any side effects. This is the reason why health experts worldwide have accepted Ayurveda as the best cure for all types of kidney problems, irrespective of their type and nature.

Even if a patient plans to get PKD treatment in Homoeopathy, the concerned doctors would only advise him for kidney dialysis or kidney transplant. However, it must be noted that both these procedures never offer a permanent solution to kidney disease, and most cases result in even more complications. This is because Kidney Dialysis just works on behalf of the kidneys until they recover. 

However, once a patient stops going for Dialysis, it gives rise to the same problem. Even if we talk about patients who are advised for Kidney transplants, just after five to ten years of getting a transplant, they again start facing the same problem which gives rise to the need for Kidney Dialysis. 

Hence, when it comes to finding a cure for kidney diseases like PKD, Ayurveda and its medicines are always advised for a permanent and satisfying treatment.


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