Does Ayurvedic Treatment Cure PKD Completely?

Ayurvedic treatment for PKD

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is commonly an inherited medical condition where numerous cysts grow in your kidneys. It lies in a specific group of diseases called ‘cystic kidney disease’. Alterations in the genes PKD1, PKD2, and PKHD1 cause blisters of fluid (cysts) to form in kidneys.

Generally, both kidneys are affected by this problem, but one kidney may develop cysts earlier than the other one. It’s a progressive disease where cysts grow continuously until they damage healthy kidney tissue and refrain kidneys from carrying out their functions. This genetic kidney problem eventually causes kidney failure; therefore, it is among the top five causes of kidney failure. At present, PKD can't be cured permanently in modern science, but it can be managed with medications and some other treatment methods. In modern science, researchers are still ongoing to develop the best cure. However, with thousands of years old healing techniques, Ayurveda has a sure shot solution to polycystic kidney disease. Ayurvedic treatment for PKD can provide an enduring cure to this kidney problem and make your kidneys free from cystic growth.

The two major inherited forms of polycystic kidney diseases are;

  • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
  • Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)

Autosomal Dominant PKD

Autosomal dominant PKD is the common inherited PKD type. A child with any of the parents with autosomal dominant PKD has around 50 percent more chance of getting problematic genes and other associated problems than other children. If a child doesn’t inherit the gene, there is no chance of gene inheritance in the further generation as PKD never skips a generation.

In some rare cases, an individual may develop the condition even without having any family history. In such cases, it is believed that a different inheritance or a genetic change may be the causative factor.

Symptoms of Autosomal Dominant PKD

In the early stage, ADPKD goes asymptomatic as one may have no symptoms at this phase. The cysts commonly begin to grow during the teenage years. With their growth, cysts replace healthy kidney tissue and disturb the outline of the kidneys, or it looks like moth-eaten. In this common PKD problem, symptoms commonly appear between the ages of 30 and 40, which may include;

  • Pain in back or sides
  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Enlarged abdomen
  • Blood in urine
  • Heart valve abnormality
  • Abdominal wall hernias
  • Cysts in some other organs, i.e. in the liver, brain, etc.

Autosomal Recessive PKD

Autosomal recessive PKD is a rare or less common inherited form of polycystic kidney disease. A person has ARPKD if both of his parents have PKD. A child whose parents have polycystic kidney disease, their child is at a higher risk of ARPKD. The signs and symptoms begin in the early months of life, or the baby is in the uterus. Due to this, this type of PKD is also called ‘infantile PKD’.

Children born with this PKD commonly develop kidney failure within few years of their birth and develop liver-related problems as they attain adulthood.

Symptoms of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

The main destructive symptoms of ARPKD are;

  • Reduce amniotic fluid exist surrounding the baby in the uterus
  • An unusual face shape due to lack of amniotic fluid
  • Defect in heart
  • Not properly developed lungs
  • Uncontrollable blood pressure

Some more symptoms can appear in this rare form of polycystic kidney disease.

Ayurvedic treatment for PKD has shown better results in curing polycystic kidney disease than the conventional treatment system.

How is Polycystic Kidney Disease Diagnosed?

A patient with PKD does not notice symptoms until the disease progresses and causes severe damage to your kidneys. He lives with this problem for years without knowing that he has the problem.

Family history analysis, blood and urine tests always may not be sufficient to detect PKD. But several tests help detect polycystic kidney disease. Another thing is that the disease can’t be detected until the kidneys have begun to fail. Tests for diagnosis of PKD include;

  • Physical examination- the test detects symptoms, mainly high blood pressure or enlarged kidneys.
  • Blood tests- the tests help your doctor know more about kidney function.
  • Urine tests- help detect blood and protein in the urine.
  • Ultrasound- this imaging test is proved to be the most effective test for detecting kidney cysts.
  • Genetic testing- it’s not a routine test but may be conducted for family testing. The abnormal genetic element can be determined with specific blood testing.

Apart from these, your kidney doctor can tell you more ways to diagnose PKD precisely.

When you follow these tests and your reports confirm that you have polycystic kidney disease, get the best medical advice to get the best PKD treatment.

Treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Currently, there is no cure for PKD in modern science, but this genetic problem can be managed with some medications and advanced treatment methods. Allopathy can only reduce or manage complications of this genetic problem to slow down its worsening. The modern treatment may also take the help of dialysis if your PKD problem causes many cysts to grow due to non-functioning kidney conditions. Eventually, a kidney transplant is a final option to cure polycystic kidney disease, where a diseased kidney is replaced by a healthy kidney received from another body. These treatment methods can’t provide an enduring cure as they can only manage the disease and help a patient to live some more years. Several complications and risks are associated with modern treatment methods. While, if you choose the best Ayurvedic treatment for PKD, you can get permanent relief from this problem.

Ayurveda is an ancient science that aims to promote healthy living for thousands of years. This holistic treatment has a unique treatment principle in which it targets the root causes of a disease to provide a permanent cure. Additionally, it also looks at the other aspect of the disease. In polycystic kidney disease, Ayurveda follows ancient treatment methodology to overcome this kidney problem naturally.

Ayurvedic treatment for PKD mainly consists of herbal medications and some ancient therapies. It also has a personalized diet chart; some Yoga poses to follow, and make necessary lifestyle changes. Using a personalized combination of ancient therapies, Ayurvedic treatment for PKD sets you free from cysts by reversing their growth. Additionally, Ayurvedic treatment also helps repair kidney damage and regenerates new tissue in your kidneys. Ultimately, your kidneys become healthy and start functioning well again. Diet and Yoga play a crucial role in your health, and they promote your body’s overall functionality. Thus, Ayurvedic treatment for PKD makes your kidneys healthy again, and therefore you are free from this cystic kidney problem. It’s free from side effects and risks and provides a permanent cure.

Search the best Ayurvedic kidney hospital to acquire standard Ayurvedic treatment for PKD to experience a permanent cure.


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