
Showing posts from August, 2021

All About Kidney Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Kidneys are among those organs that ensure a healthy body. Without these fist-sized organs, it would be impossible for humans to carry out their daily activities smoothly. The organ is responsible for filtering out blood from all kinds of toxins and waste compounds that are no more required by the body. Moreover, they also maintain the water and fluid levels in the body. Most importantly, kidneys also produce essential hormones that make our metabolism stronger. However, despite all these features, millions of people worldwide are suffering from various kidney problems. One such people that many people suffer from is Kidney Cancer. It is among those kidneys Diseases that are life-threatening and often result in various other complications that are harmful to the body. Despite this problem increasing among people, there is no such cure available for Kidney Cancer in homeopathy and allopathy. However, Ayurveda is the branch of medical science that can cure cancer. Hence, in this arti

Should I Be Worried About PKD?

Our kidneys are a pair of live-saving parts of the body that is considered the third-most important organ of the human anatomy after livers and heart. Though kidneys are safely placed inside our body just below the ribs, millions of people worldwide suffer from various kidney diseases, some of which are even hard to cure. One such kidney disease you might be suffering from is Polycystic Kidney Disease that means having cysts on the kidneys. If you are suffering from this disease or have recently got diagnosed with it, this article is meant for you. We have explained every possible fact related to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and followed by kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda. Unlike other forms of treatment, Ayurveda promised a safe and quick recovery from PKD. Let us now discuss whether having PKD is life-threatening or not. All about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is not any bacterial infection; instead, it is an inherited disorder that gets p

Does Ayurvedic Treatment Cure PKD Completely?

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is commonly an inherited medical condition where numerous cysts grow in your kidneys. It lies in a specific group of diseases called ‘cystic kidney disease’. Alterations in the genes PKD1, PKD2, and PKHD1 cause blisters of fluid (cysts) to form in kidneys. Generally, both kidneys are affected by this problem, but one kidney may develop cysts earlier than the other one. It’s a progressive disease where cysts grow continuously until they damage healthy kidney tissue and refrain kidneys from carrying out their functions. This genetic kidney problem eventually causes kidney failure; therefore, it is among the top five causes of kidney failure. At present, PKD can't be cured permanently in modern science, but it can be managed with medications and some other treatment methods. In modern science, researchers are still ongoing to develop the best cure. However, with thousands of years old healing techniques, Ayurveda has a sure shot solution to polycysti